How to remove papillomas on the body - 6 ways to remove and the most effective

Papillomas occur in people infected with HPV. External manifestations occur as a result of reduced immunity and a number of different factors. Papillomas rarely cause any discomfort when they appear on the body, but with multiple localization or crowded localization, the neoplasms can be hurt or damaged and look unattractive. In addition, there is a risk of malignancy of papillary lesions. How to remove papillomas on the body and what is the most effective method? Read about it in our article.

Doctors recommend removing growing papillomas

Is it possible and necessary to remove papillomas on the body?

The need to remove neoplasms is explained by the "cleaning" of the skin from neoplasms and the prevention of skin cancer. If the basis of lifting lies in improving the appearance, one desire of the patient is enough.

With the instability of papillomatous growths, when the neoplasm tends to become malignant or significantly impairs the patient's quality of life, clinicians insist on surgical removal.

Indications for removal are the following conditions:

  • constant traumatization by clothes, jewelry;
  • damage to the mucous membranes (oral cavity, genitals);
  • neoplasms localized on the eyelids;
  • growing papillomas, unstable in shape, shade;
  • plantar warts.

Many patients are afraid to remove neoplasms because of various myths about the danger, complications, severe pain and long-term rehabilitation. In fact, modern surgery almost eliminates all these "difficulties". Modern removal methods are practically bloodless, do not leave scars and scars and radically and safely solve the problem of viral neoplasm.

Self-treatment is unacceptable for several reasons:

  • Firstly, without special studies it is impossible to determine the nature of the growth and the tendency to malignancy.
  • Second, non-sterile conditions are a direct gateway to infection and the development of complications in the extraction site.

Which doctor removes papillomas on the body?

Treatment of symptoms of human papillomavirus infection is a field of study for dermatologists, oncologists, and surgeons. With the localization of nodular growths in the oral cavity, it is necessary to consult an ENT specialist if papillomas are found in the anus, a proctologist.

Depending on the location of the neoplasms, consultation with specialized specialists is required.

Removal methods

You can get rid of papillary growths on the body of any localization by medical or surgical methods. Clinicians often use both methods simultaneously, since it is important to influence not only the tumor, but also the cause of its appearance - the activity of viral strains.

In some cases, drug therapy alone is sufficient, and the external manifestations of HPV will disappear on their own.

Medical treatment

Unfortunately, there is no adequate therapy that can remove pathogenic environments from the body, but the treatment of papillomas on the body for local and systemic purposes suppresses the activity of viruses, disrupts the growth structure and increases immunity.

The main drugs for the complex disposal of human papillomavirus infection:

  • antiviral agents;
  • immunomodulatory drugs;
  • vitamin complexes.

In case of infection or bacterial inflammation of growths, antibiotics and antiseptics are prescribed to prevent the infection from spreading throughout the body.

Of great importance are local drugs that directly affect neoplasms. Such drugs have a drying or cauterizing effect.

Surgical removal methods

Modern cosmetology and hardware surgery has several effective methods. High-quality removal virtually eliminates the risks of malignancy, secondary infection of the wound surface. Rehabilitation consists only of a sterile dressing and regular antiseptic treatment.

There are several main extraction methods in the body.

scalpel removal

The radical method of excision of the papilloma is chosen quite rarely and according to specific indications. The procedure is carried out in stationary conditions only under anesthesia.

Indications for manipulation are as follows:

  • large area of damage;
  • the impressive size of the neoplasm;
  • suspicion of malignancy;
  • instability and constant traumatization of the tumor.

Recovery after surgery is quite long, requires regular monitoring.

The only advantage of radical removal is the ability to preserve the papillary structure and examine the sample by histological methods.

Removal of papillomas on the body with liquid nitrogen

nitrogen depletion

Cauterization of papillomas with liquid nitrogen or cryodestruction is most often used to remove them from the body due to the availability and low cost of the method.

Under the influence of cold crystals, the tumor is destroyed from the inside, turns black, and then disappears. The disadvantage of the method is the risk of damage to healthy tissues, as well as incomplete destruction of the papillomatous focus with its impressive size. The method is not used to remove neoplasms on the face because of the possibility of scarring.

During manipulation, it is allowed to treat the skin with special analgesic solutions to reduce pain.

laser part

Laser excision is one of the popular methods of treating skin growths of any localization. The laser literally evaporates moisture from the neoplasm, affecting not only the body, but also the root of the papilloma. The operation is performed under local anesthesia.

Given the anemia of the manipulation, it is enough to apply a sterile bandage to the wound surface.

The equipment reliably controls the depth and intensity of laser exposure, so the risk of burns is practically eliminated. Scars or scars are very rare.

cauterization with electric current

Electric shock or electrocoagulation is a popular method for removing papillary lesions. High-frequency currents simultaneously act on the vessels sclerosing papillomatous foci. Manipulation is carried out under local anesthesia.

Electrocoagulation of papillomas is effective against large and small growths, for local and multiple neoplasms.

The disadvantages include the risk of scar tissue, the possibility of recurrence of the tumor, because in the case of electrocoagulation the growth is not rooted.

Removal of papillomas on the body by radio wave

exposure to radio waves

For the removal procedure, a special blade is used, which provides radio waves. The papilloma is quickly excised, without damaging the healthy areas of the skin. Relapses are completely absent, as well as painful sensations.

The method is effective for small neoplasms of a benign nature.


Another specific removal method that requires high accuracy from a specialist so as not to damage the healthy tissues around the papilloma. These preparations are based on salicylic acid, Spanish fly extract.

Popular drugs are podophyllotoxin and cantharidin. Injection of an antiviral drug with a mixture of glycopeptide antibiotics is injected into large growths.

Alternative medicine against papillomas

There are some effective methods of removing papillary lesions with folk remedies.

The basis of recipes for small papillomas include the following components::

  • celandine juice;
  • Indian Oil;
  • apple cider vinegar;
  • garlic and onion juice.

The course of home treatment of papillomatous lesions is always long, but the "grandmother's" methods do not eliminate the main cause of the rash.

The use of aggressive disposal methods such as:

  • silk thread binding:
  • cauterization by fire, concentration of acetic acid, gasoline and other toxic substances.

All these barbaric methods only worsen the clinical picture, lead to injuries and serious damage to the skin and mucous tissues.

Which method is the most efficient?

Many clinicians recommend laser removal to combat papillomatous lesions.

The advantages of the method are::

  • simultaneous sclerosis of blood vessels;
  • there is no risk of bleeding and infection;
  • impact speed;
  • absence of scars, scars;
  • fast recovery;
  • the possibility of removing neoplasms in the initial stages of malignancy.

The disadvantages of laser removal include its high cost and inability to preserve the papillomatous focus for further research on oncological DNA.

Any removal is important only in a private clinic. Specialists can accurately assess the nature of the papilloma, organize high-quality removal without the risk of complications.

How to get rid of small papillomas on the body?

Many small papillomas on the body are a sign of an intense spread of infection, a marked weakening of the body. The main method of treatment is drug therapy to stop viral activity. After treatment, you can begin to remove external manifestations.

Surgical treatment methods are often combined with each other to achieve maximum results. The choice of treatment depends on the severity of the pathological process and the nature of the viral rash. There is no specific prophylaxis against papillomavirus infection, but clinicians recommend following simple rules: a regular sex life, adequate hygiene, timely medical consultation for suspected neoplasms in the body.

Be healthy and happy!